Ebook Coyote, Vol. 1, by Ranmaru Zariya
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Coyote, Vol. 1, by Ranmaru Zariya
Ebook Coyote, Vol. 1, by Ranmaru Zariya
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About the Author
Coyote is Ranmaru Zariya’s second English-language release following Void. She also publishes doujishi (independent comics) under the circle name “Zaria.” You can find out more about her on her Twitter page, @zaria_ranmaru.
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Product details
Series: Coyote (Book 1)
Paperback: 178 pages
Publisher: SuBLime (October 9, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9781974700516
ISBN-13: 978-1974700516
ASIN: 1974700518
Product Dimensions:
5 x 0.6 x 7.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.6 out of 5 stars
12 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#133,946 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I'm a sucker for Romeo and Juliet stories. Specifically, it's the family duty vs. romantic love conflict that's a hook. This also has cultural conflicts, supernatural humans, gorgeous characters, and beautifully drawn pages. The unique colors on the first pages might look best in print, which I'd like to see.Update: After reading this volume several times, I'm bumping up my rating. The details I missed the first time(s) improve the story with every reading.
This is an excellent opening volume! I already wait for the next one! As a clan of werewolves battles the mafia family that seeks revenge on them, two of them unbeknownst to their respective sides fall in love. I'm rooting for the werewolves! Josh and Coyote have a lot of figuring things out to do, but boy do they have some raaaawwr sex :-) Beautifully drawn, handsome hard bodies <3
I had to read this one twice to see if I just missed something. It drew me in with the art and the summary. While the characters are interesting, [SPOILER ALERT] it is the standard, Romeo and Juliet trope . Which, when well written, is good[End Spoiler]. The plot was just weak in this, the focus was almost exclusively on the 'heat' of Coyote. If you are reading this for a sex scenes, it is a good read, it is light enough that you don't need to think too hard about the content.I loved the art, which is what brings it up to a three from a two. Beautifully drawn. This is not something for those who want a cute yaoi story.
Holy mother of Mary! This was absolutely wonderful! Dying for the next volume!
An amazing yaoi of star-crossed lovers, danger, and (of course) passion! Everything a good romance needs all rolled into one beautifully drawn manga.
I thought this manga was amazing. Great story so far, I love the characters and their interactions. Can't wait for the next one.
I smell a sort of Romeo and Juliet plot.
The artwork is gorgeous, especially the color pages at the front. The art is worth 5-stars.The story, on the other hand, was a bit cringe. The thing I found most off putting is how dub-con the book is. One of the main characters kept saying no and the other had sex with him anyways. Repeatedly.
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